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Selected for Wells Art Contemporary 2022. Exhibition runs 30 July - 28 August


The possibilities of painting in crime-fiction...


SAT 28 NOV p.m.

We may have reached the end of the series! The flatter blue has transformed the painting, pulling down those blues from above. Ditto the black-side. I've tuned up some of the colours in the top band and the white -stripe on the left, now sharper & clearer. It is very satisfying seeing an idea from the novel, making it visual but without compromising my own ideals and ambitions for painting. I'm enjoying the contrasting drawing on the left and right sides and the crafted, musical marks in the top bands. And the elusiveness of the imagery, there but not there...


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 SAT 28 NOV a.m.

 Things are happening. The novel is about a strange symmetry and of course the twin-canvas format allows that. But this is emphasised by the placement of the location as a balanced dynamic chevron, Brooklyn Bridge as the canvas-divide...

There have been a lot of blues towards the end of this series - I need a very special blue to simplify the area above the chevron, something less gestural...


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FRI 27 NOV pm

Two rows completed...


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Three different ways to go with this painting...


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The '20 Books=20 Paintings' series will be shown for the first time in 'Painting the Novel', a solo-exhibition at Linden Hall Studio, Deal 3 - 24 April 2021.